DeviantArt Uploads!
I realized that I write kind of a lot in my descriptions for things I upload to my deviantart, y'know for context. And I wanted today to write something more but all that I can think to write about it pretty personal stuff about feelings and relationships and kinks and while all that stuff would be fun for me to take the time and write about, I'm not really feeling like putting in the effort at the moment to focus on it, and what's more, the mental and emotional focus it would take to write super personal evaluations and stuff like that is kindaaaaa not really the best right now. I'm very kind of drained and tired, I'm still not really quite back to 100%, but I am getting there.
So instead I decided, well, I already HAVE written things for my deviantart uploads today... so why not just link those here? That way my daily writing stuff can still all be here, but y'know, I don't have to torture myself! ^o^
So, here are the 4 SL pics I put on deviantart today:
And that's how I feel about my deviantart uploads in my life. These pictures were taken, well the first three are from the 24th and the last one with Yumi is from today. She dragged me onto SL just to tease me more. Is okay though I teased the hell out of her the fuck back with suggestive lollypop gifs xD
The situation around these images is not specifically addressed in the descriptions except for Guardian Angel but this is kind of an overarching, ongoing event here. I've avoided uploading any pictures that explain in explicit terms how I ended up enslaved by Bowsy, and I didn't really explain why two days later I'm still at the house instead of back with her. As usual, it's my fault, but I wanted to not leave my SL pics barren, but I didn't want to upload anything I wasn't really ready to talk about without it being a long story about how my anxiety ruins everything. I'd rather save it for when I'm past it and I just get to tell the story of when, for the second time, a bowser got tired of playing catch and release and wanted to keep me for good. You can kinda see what's happening here if you read between the lines, but... I tried to make everything kinda inconsequential on the face of it.
Anwyas! Enjoy pics, will upload sexier ones later maybe. Will eventually be able to put more focus in this and write more in-depth on something I can really sink my teeth into, promise.
Princess Malyssa🌹
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