My New Owner Told Me to Write This

So that's what it took. I had to get a man to tell me to do it. Oh sure, when my friend Monica encourages me to journal I feel interested enough, sure. But she's a woman, she can't tell me what to do (she can very much and has very much told me what to do)! I'm knot explaining absences or lack of things I said I'd write because the answers are obvious and boring and I have other things to say. Anwyas, so here's the deal: I finally found an owner. It just happened and it probably happened maybe a little too fast, still pretty scared, but we both knew pretty quickly that I belonged to him and the question was never aboot desire or really even compatibility. There are technical things to resolve, sure, and other things like protocol, priorities, etc. I've always lived my life for other people but I've never before really lived it for, like... y'know... someone who wanted me. I'ma put a pin in that. That needs context. Meta context, second pin. The...